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unique made to order Fire Pits and custom Fire spheres

We offer custom fire pits to suit your space. Our Fire Sphere range is uniquely hand made and come in three sizes: 70, 90 and 120cm diameter. Artwork designs can be created to suit your style and taste. Our past projects have ranged from a Star Trek inspired Fire Sphere to a sentimental representation of a loved one, to a vibrant metal flame artwork.


Artist Sharon Romeo can create what you would like to enjoy around a great fire pit night.


Call Sharon on 0410 648 361

We offer delivery Australia wide.

Fire Pit Prices


120cm Dia $5895 (8mm thick Corten Steel)

90cn Dia $3875 (6mm thick Corten Steel)

70cm Dia $2839 (6mm thick Corten Steel)


120cm Wide $2937 (8mm thick Corten Steel)

90cn Wide $2145 (6mm thick Corten Steel)

70cm Dia $1643 (6mm thick Corten Steel)

1/2 sizes can be rotated, please refer to image below "Fire sphere size comparison". 

Curves and Edges Fire Sphere - Artist Sharon Romeo 1.jpg
Curves and Edges Sphere sizes graphic.jpg
artist Sharon Romeo with fire sphere curves and edges metal art.jpg

Artist Sharon Romeo with 120cm and 90cm full sphere


MADe to order fire pit

The Lotus fire pit has been carefully designed so that her leaves help with mindfulness and focus. Take some time off and enjoy how the flames dance around her leaves. Just as the Lotus flower grows and thrives in the mud of the murky river, we can choose to be positive and connect with our higher thoughts and thrive spiritually during these uncertain times. Let the Lotus flower remind you to grow in a direction that is of great benefit to you and those you love.


1100mm Wide (each side length)

360mm Height

5mm Thick Steel

Develops a natural rust surface

Dress Stitch Welded 

fire pit floor sits 40mm from ground.


Lotus Flower fire Pit, Artist Sharon Romeo Curves and Edges Metal Art5.jpg
Curves and Edges Artist Sharon Romeo Lotus with stand.jpg


Stand for extra height

Made from 3mm thick steel

Stand is dress stitch welded to base of firepit


Photo on the left features Lotus fire pit for $490 plus additional stand for $100. Total price $590.

Golden Leaves

MADe to order fire pit

This fire pit was carefully designed to provide a great fire experience. It is an uplifting artwork representing the energy in nature. The leaves glow golden against the fire, providing not only great warmth, but an incredible artwork to enjoy and find your peace and tranquillity within.


785mm Wide (each side length - four sided)

560mm Height

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Large Square Shape Base 

Dress Stitch Welded 



Stand for extra height

Made from 3mm thick steel

Stand is not welded to fire pit unless requested



MADe to order fire pit

Influenced by our Gate and Screen artwork - The Australian Bush. This highly requested fire pit is now available for those people that wish to match all their metal artwork together.  Relax by the fire with this peaceful and tranquil scene, as the Kookaburra, Gang Gang Cockatoo and the Rainbow Lorikeet rest on the Gum Tree.


870mm Wide (each side length)

550mm Height

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Triangular Shape Base - designed for great airflow

Dress Stitch Welded 



Australian bush fire pit.jpg


Stand for extra height

Made from 3mm thick steel

Additional separate stand dress stitch welded $90

Stand is not welded to fire pit unless requested


Photo on the left features The Australian Bush fire pit for $490 plus additional stand for $90. Total price $580.


Australian bush

Fire Pit

You may like to add a personal touch to your fire pit. Please talk to Sharon about this option.


Cost is quoted based on level of design detail.

Image shows an example of a personalised Australian Bush fire pit. Two faces have been redesigned. 

Australian Bush.

Rustic Elegance

MADe to order fire pit



Square Shape Base

1.1m Height

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Liftable decorative floor plate for fire wood (refer to slideshow photos)

Dress Stitch Welded - as one piece



Rustic Elegance fire pit


Australian Native Birds Artwork



Square Shape Base

1.1m Height

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Liftable decorative floor plate for fire wood (refer to slideshow photos)

Dress Stitch Welded - as one piece



Curves and Edges Artist Sharon Romeo Australian Native Birds Fire Pit 1.jpg

Modern Lines

MADe to order fire pit

Influenced by the minimalist modern art movement. This bold geometric design with a line gradient effect hits the mark for the more modern styled homes.



930mm Wide (each side length)

420mm Height

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Triangular Shape Base - designed for great airflow

Dress Stitch Welded 



Modern Lines

Fire Pit

You may like to add a personal touch to your fire pit. Please talk to Sharon about this option.


Cost is quoted based on level of design detail.

Images show examples of previous Modern Lines fire pits with modifications.



1090mm Width

390mm Height

700x700mm base plate

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Dress Stitch Welded - as one piece





1200 Width

600mm Height

Drain slots in base

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Dress Stitch Welded - as one piece



Barrel Chaser - Wave Fire Pit Metal Art,

barrel Chaser

MADe to order fire pit

Introducing BARREL CHASER is a creative fire pit that inspires surfers and lovers of the ocean. The expectation and respect for the ultimate wave, the adrenaline and power that runs through your body and reaches your soul.


Triangular shape

890mm W

970mm L 

540mm H

5mm Thick Steel

Natural Rust Surface

Dress Stitch Welded - as one piece


Barrel Chaser - Wave Fire Pit Metal Art,



CUSTOm 90cm sphere

Here will rest Bruce’s ashes. A loved husband, father and grandfather. It’s been one year now Bruce has been missed. To celebrate him, his wife Kerry commissioned me to create this personal artwork to celebrate their life together.

The large Wheeping Cherry Blossom invites us into each scene…

Kerry and Bruce often worked in the garden together. Here you can see them planting two trees - symbols of future family generations (their children and grandchildren)

Bruce loved to read the paper. Beside him his Rottweiler, cricket bat and ball. He is relaxed under the pergola, a typical day in Bruce’s retirement years.


Kerry’s love is as a Horticulturalist - here she has finished her day in the garden. She stands under an arbor of vines, with her watering can, boots and gloves. Her favourite part of the day as she looks out at the garden beds and admires her creations.


One day, their children will keep the sphere and when the time comes, they will place both their parents together inside. We created a lid to sit on top so that the ashes sit hidden underneath.

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo


CUSTOm 120cm fire sphere


'A Loved Stockman's Last Ride' is a celebration of Kylie's father Barry. A kind and gentle soul he was, loved by so many in his community. What an absolute honour this was to create for the family. In this scene we see Barry standing with his best mate, his horse Williny. They are the focal point of this artwork as the two trees - The Jacaranda and Gum Tree form an arch around them both - a symbol Barry's kind nature and his family's love for him. A King Parrot flies high in the sky at the top of the sphere, a significant bird in Barry's life. As we move our eyes to the sides of the sphere we see cattle grazing in the paddock along with sheep. A calm and peaceful scene. Opposite Barry we see a beautiful moment in time, a representation of where Barry grew up with the homestead and windmill. 

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo


CUSTOm 90cm FIRE sphere

Generations of family farmers working on the harvest represented here in the large family tree. Here in this 90cm fire sphere - The success of this farm is represented in the plentiful crops, farm machinery and large trucks this generation now use to bring us the best produce we all enjoy at home. The two Rainbow Lorikeets watching from above. This artwork is a celebration of newly weds James and Michaela. It symbolizes their life together now and in the future. The Bottle Brush tree and Olive Tree grow in synchronization. A symbol of the couples life together in marriage and on the farm. The main trunks join and form a ring around the sphere - a symbol of their wedding bands and commitment to each other.

They sit together on the stone wall with their 6 month old German Shephard puppy. In the stone wall opening there are three Jack Russells playing on the motorbike - a beautiful moment in time retold in this artwork. The goat and chicken also greeting us from the stone wall.

Another artwork that I worked closely with our customer to create. Through sketches and videos this fire sphere was created. They are truly personal pieces.

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo


CUSTOm 90cm fire sphere


A beautiful delicate artwork that radiates tranquillity and positivity. 


120cm diameter - 8mm thick

90cm diameter - 6mm thick

70cm diameter - 6mm thick

50cm diameter - 6mm thick



Come with welded stand and drain holes

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo


CUSTOm 90cm fire sphere

This 90cm full fire sphere was commissioned by a group of close friends to celebrate their girlfriends 50th birthday and adventurous spirit. Full of personal symbolism and meaning for their friend to enjoy and connect with.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

Country life 

CUSTOm 90cm fire sphere

In this 90cm full sphere we see the large Gum Tree carefully drapes from the top of the sphere, opening up like a curtain to each scene. The Kangaroos jumping across the plain as they speed past the large windmill. In the next scene two deers look up, gazing back at us. Their antlers intertwined - a symbol of togetherness and companionship. Five Kookaburras rest in the tree above - a symbol of each of the children. The lucky Melbourne Cup winner is represented to bring a smile to both Meryl and Wayne - owners of this beautiful artwork.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

A beautiful life 

CUSTOm 120cm fire sphere

This very special 120cm dia sphere was created for the residents and staff at IRT Age Care, Park Central. It was donated to them by Doreen and George who are now enjoying forever together in heaven. In this scene we see Doreen and George on a hill together holding hands. Doreen sits on a park bench as George stands with his wide brim hat in his hand taking in the glorious day. Underneath them grow roses in a lace pattern - Doreen loved her roses. Above them flies a beautiful bird - a symbol of Jack who passed away many years ago and was a part of Doreen's life. This artwork brought me much joy to create. A young lady is enjoying herself on a tree swing, above her sits proudly the Kookaburra. On the opposite branch we see two Gang Gang Cockatoos and further in the foliage of the Gum Tree we see two Finches - both birds are a symbol of the connections we make in life, whether it be our partner, our children and our friends. In the scene we see two grandparents walking with their granddaughter, both holding her hand as their loyal puppy follows. There are butterflies around them all.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design



This sentimental 70cm handcrafted Corten sphere created for our client in memory of her late husband. Here we see a large tree with decorative roots to represent Cheryl’s personality and styling. The trees branches stretch out over the sphere, highlighting the ’night star and moon’. It’s branches extending downwards to her late husbands fav car - the CAMARO. The kookaburra, Rosella, Magpie and Cockatoo rest peacefully on its glorious branches.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design


CUSTOm fire sphere


Artwork represents an abundance of positive energy


120cm diameter - 8mm thick

90cm diameter - 6mm thick

70cm diameter - 6mm thick

50cm diameter - 6mm thick



Come with welded stand and drain holes

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo

Dancing Flames

CUSTOm fire sphere


120cm diameter - 8mm thick

90cm diameter - 6mm thick

70cm diameter - 6mm thick

50cm diameter - 6mm thick



Come with welded stand and drain holes

Contact Artist Sharon Romeo


CUSTOm fire sphere

This  90cm custom artwork was designed for our client in memory of Baxter... He rides on his Harley into the sunset. The tall trees along the road with their long overlapping tree roots represent the strong connections he made in his life and to his family. They reach down to gently greet him and form a heart around him as he rides on. As the tall winter trees grow toward the sky they form an infinity symbol towards the sky, providing a sense of 'forever with us'.
There are two openings in the artwork that symbolises a passage to each other. The Kookaburra and lizard on one side an
d Baxter riding into the sunset on the other. 


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

"The magic of venice"

CUSTOm fire sphere

This  120cm custom commissioned sphere celebrates Italian culture, history and romance, from the magnificent presence of the Rialto Bridge, to the gentle flow of the Gondola as it rows into the sunset. This artwork has two openings - the two strong trunks of the grape vines rooted deeply into the soil of Venice. Its grapes and leaves encompass the opening and forms a heart shape, a romantic touch to the work. The roots of the vines grow deep and gradually become the water surrounding Venice. I studied well the buildings on either side of the Rialto Bridge so that the artwork provided its owners accurate memories of their special time there.  


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

Simmons Family

CUSTOm fire sphere

A 70cm full sphere created for the Simmons family to celebrate the life of a much loved and missed Father and Husband. A personal artwork that was created as a surprise 50th birthday gift.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

"family is everything"

CUSTOm fire sphere

Custom made for our clients, this 120cm custom commissioned sphere titled - "FAMILY IS EVERYTHING" portrays a large Willow Tree in the foreground that  stretches out over the dam surrounded by the Banskia and Bottle Brush tree. The glow of the sun in the distance is a sight to admire as it sets over the mountains. The family are close and together watch the beauty of nature around them. A family heirloom that will be enjoyed for generations to come.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

"Buddha sphere"

CUSTOm fire sphere

This commissioned custom made 90cm Buddha Sphere provides a feeling of peacefulness and tranquility. This artwork represents a special memory for my clients and their magical time in Thailand - The lush thick tropical rain forest grows strong and healthy around the energy of the Buddha. Beside the Buddha grow two Lotus flowers, the two children they have been blessed with in their life together. 


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

The Giving in 70cm 3/4 size

"The Giving"

CUSTOm fire sphere

The Giving is an uplifting artwork that represents the cycle and beauty of giving to others. The leaves grow upwards to a peak - the time when we give the most. Gently they begin to rest and regrow - a time of rejuvenation of the mind and spirit. This healthy cycle forms a beautiful composition, a reminder that looking after ourselves allows us to maximise the way we give to others.

Comes in all sizes

Comes in a tall and short stand size.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

Fire Pit Sphere Artist Sharon Romeo Curv
The Giving in 50cm full sphere


CUSTOm fire sphere

This 120cm dia 8mm thick fire pit was designed to match our clients gate artwork. This composition shows two flamingoes inviting you into the artwork. They are surrounded by the Hibiscus flowers on either side of the sphere. The Willow tree grows towards the flowers a symbol of this couples bond and marriage. On the Willow Tree we see three small birds resting on the branches - a symbol of the families children. 


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

"live long and prosper"

CUSTOm fire sphere

This creative  90cm fire sphere was created for our client who is a huge fan of STAR TREK. Imagine a meteor fire ball traveling through space as the fire gathers at its peak we a see a time warp into the black hole shown at the tip of the sphere.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design


CUSTOm fire sphere

This 3/4 size fire sphere is no loner available. Please refer to the 1/2 size or full size. Sizes available are 70, 90 and 120cm dia spheres. Inspired by the flames we see on many hot rods. The artwork truly enhances the fire night experience.

Comes in a tall and short stand size.


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

"our hidden paradise"

CUSTOm fire sphere

Custom made 70cm full sphere, beautifully balanced leaves that grow upwards strong and confident, with the families silhouette carefully placed at the heart of the artwork. A personal and sentimental fire pit that will be enjoyed for many years. 


Contact Artist Sharon Romeo about a custom design

Process for fire sphere

Email your selection to:
Custom Fire Sphere - Allow up to 10 weeks
Made to Order Fire Pit - Allow up to 4 weeks if not in stock


1. Initial chat with artist to help you decide on size, level of design work required and lead time. A quoted price will be given.

2. Accepted quotes will be invoiced for a 30% deposit. Invoices will show the creative direction discussed for the sphere. Invoices are emailed and can be paid via EFT, Credit Card or BPay. Upon receipt of payment, your hand crafted fire sphere will be scheduled in for manufacture. 

3. Once your project begins, the artist will prepare sketches based the 'creative direction' noted on your invoice. Sketches are presented for review and approval. Any major changes after the sketches are approved will incur more design cost.

4. Drawing on the sphere begins. A private video will be sent to you for approval. Once the video is approved by yourself, hand cutting will begin. No changes can be made during this process.

5. Payment of final 70%. Photos of completed sphere will be sent to you, along with your final invoice

6. Pick up of your beautiful new sphere 

MADE TO ORDER FIRE PITS (Rustic Elegance, Modern Lines, Lotus, Barrel Chaser, Golden Leaves, Australian Bush)

1. Upon your email or phone call with you request for purchase, a invoice will be sent via email for the full amount of the fire pit. Payment can be made via EFT, Credit Card or BPay.

2. Your fire pit will then be scheduled into our projects. Once completed, you will be notified for pick up.

© 2015 Curves and Edges Pty Ltd

All artworks are copyright by Curves and Edges Pty Ltd, artist Sharon Romeo. The recreation of any artwork from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.

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