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Our mirrors are simply stunning and will add style and depth to any room


Elegance mirror


Standard Powdercoat finish

Full Length

1950x900mm, using a 5mm thick steel

3/4 Length

1600x900mm, using a 5mm thick steel






enchanted forest

1710x1335mm, using a 5mm thick steel



Meaning: The Enchanted Forest mirror artwork was created to facilitate knowledge and growth of ones self.

As you look into the mirror after a long exhausting day, you find yourself tracing with your eyes the lush thick entangled vines that surround the entrance to the Enchanted Forest. As you gaze deeper you see your reflection and as you rest your mind from your worries and your plans for tomorrow, you take this still moment to really connect with your reflection. Breathe slowly, long breaths in and long breaths out. Begin relaxing your body - relax your stance, relax your arms as they drop to your side, relax your hands as they open, relax your whole body and your mind will follow. Deep breaths, concentrate on your breath and nothing else. Calm your mind as you create this moment of stillness for yourself and acknowledge the person in the mirror. If an intruding thought enters this space of calm, that’s okay - acknowledge it and send it off with love as this is your time now for YOU. Keep breathing as you get to know the face in the mirror. Breath and relax over and over and it is at the point of calmness when you have entered the Enchanted Forest. You're here, welcome to this peaceful space that is just for you. It is here where you will allow your mind to see your dreams, your hopes and all of you. What is your reflection saying to you? What do you need to hear from yourself? All those messages that you tell yourself during the day and you keep avoiding to listen to - Listen to them now with no judgment to yourself and to others. Plan your dreams here, learn about your abilities here, listen to your needs here. Take as long as you need here, this is your time for self love and growth - enjoy it here in the hidden forest and when you're ready to leave, thank yourself for this time of knowledge and growth and say the words... I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE AMAZING, I WILL BE KIND TO YOU... and smile before you begin to leave the Enchanted Forest. Close your eyes and take a moment to process your thoughts and when you’re ready, start to move your hands and legs and finally open your eyes to the beautiful day waiting for you.

mirrors made to order



Titled SONAS

A Family Heirloom,  Titled SONAS by the family (Gaelic Word for Happiness) - It is a celebration of this family's past, present and future.
The Oak Trees represent the couple and their home in Ireland - The two Oak Trees grow joined, and together form strong roots and lush leaves that cluster together forming the silhouette portraits of their three children. If you look closely you will also see three new trees growing from their tree roots - A blessing for their children’s futures, that they may also enjoy a family one day. Five leaves come together at the tip of the artwork, overlapping, rotating together in the same direction - representing the family’s close bond and positive flow together.

Custom metal mirror artist sharon romeo
Custom metal mirror artist sharon romeo
Custom metal mirror artist sharon romeo
custom mirrors

© 2015 Curves and Edges Pty Ltd

All artworks are copyright by Curves and Edges Pty Ltd, artist Sharon Romeo. The recreation of any artwork from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.

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